Cucumbers..... Well, if you're like me, you either grew too many, were given too many or just got too busy... Maybe they're kind of too big, not the "pickling" type, they're starting to yellow a bit and you really don't want to waste them! I really, really don't want things to go to waste! Especially things like home grown food that I know we or someone has put a lot of energy and time into. I'm trying so hard to learn to save as much as possible. So I heavily scoured the internet looking for ideas. Turns out I found something. It was kind of a story about a friend of a friend with somewhat of a recipe included but no real ingredient list or instructions!! Of course I went with it lol... Why not?!? I even reached out to the original poster with some questions. By the time they answered days later I had already did what I thought was best including making my own "pickling spice", "Angela's Homemade Pickling Spice".
So here it is... my recipe and instructions for "Too Ripe Cucumber Pickles".
I tasted them before I sealed them up and these may be the best pickles I have ever made.

Too Ripe Cucumber Pickles
This recipe makes a sweet and sour type “pickle” that you don’t have to can but NEEDS to cure for at least 2 weeks. Recipe makes 3 pints. You need a “non reactive” (stainless steel) pan/bowl for the cukes to sit in, possibly overnight. You also need your canning supplies if you are going to can.
• About 8 cups of over ripe cucumbers. I had 4 cukes when I started.
• 1 cup canning salt if you’re going to can, if not use regular table salt
• 3 cups 5% distilled vinegar
• 3 cups white granulated sugar
• 1 tbsp pickling spice – I made my own, click on the link above or see it with the rest of my blog. You can use store bought.
• 1/8 tsp “pickle crisp” per pint
REMEMBER this is a recipe designed for safe water bath canning. I do not know how they taste or turn out if you do not can them.
Make sure you wash your hands before you start! Not for any particular reason, just because you should, you dirty birds; you’re about to be handling food.
1. Wash and peel your cucumbers.

2. Cut cucumbers in half and scoop out the seeds. I used a spoon. Your cucumbers will look like boats. After scooping out the seeds, cut the cucumbers into bite size pieces and place in a “non reactive”/stainless steel bowl.
3. Toss cucumber pieces with the pickling salt. Pieces need to be coated. Add more salt if needed.
4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8hrs but up to 24hrs. Quite a bit of liquid will be made.
5. IF YOU ARE CANNING.....Get your canning pot and warm jars ready.
6. Drain, rinse and pat the cucumbers dry.
7. Combine the sugar, vinegar and pickling spice in an 8qt stockpot and bring to a boil.
8. Add cucumber pieces to the pot and return mix to a boil.

9. Add 1/8 tsp of “pickle crisp” to each pint jar.
10. Remove the pieces and add them to your pint jars.
11. Fill your jars with the “pickle” liquid, leaving a ½ inch head space. Wipe the rims of your jars with a clean towel/cloth dipped in vinegar. Put your lids and rings on and hand tighten.
12. Keep the jars in the refrigerator if you are not going to can them. REMEMBER they need to sit for 2 weeks to cure. CANNING: Process your jars in a water bath canner for 10 minutes. Let the canner cool. Remove the jars. Let sit overnight to cool. Check lids to make sure jars are sealed. Remove the rings and wipe off the jars. Store in a cool, dry spot for two weeks for “pickles” to cure.

Open and enjoy. Refrigerate after opening. “Pickles” should be good for up to a year. Don’t
forget to label your jars!
Be sure to let me know if you try this recipe!