What is "pickling spice"? It's a mix of herbs and spices for pickling and canning. Yes, you can absolutely get it at the store. However, I am not sure of it's availability outside of the canning season (usually late summer, early fall in Ohio). I had never bought or used it for canning prior to this. I needed some for my "Too Ripe Cucumber Pickles" and I didn't have time to run to the store. I also wasn't too sure that the closest local stores would even have it. So I said to myself, "Angela, look it up, you're making everything else, why not try this?" That's what I did. I did a little research, did a quick inventory of what I had on hand and I made my own!

Maybe you're wondering, "what else can I use this for"? Well, it seems like it can be used for just about any vegetable; beets, jalapenos, asparagus, green beans, onions, cauliflower, okra, radishes, zukes and cukes! It can also be used for stews and meat dishes. OMG, how is this not something already in my cabinet?!!?
Are you also wondering, "can I use dried/ground herbs/seasonings"? I wondered that too! Well guess what, of course you can! Just keep in mind that it is easier to use whole herbs and spices. You can tie them up in a bundle and or use cheese cloth to contain them in your liquids/broths etc. Using ground products may also "cloud" up your recipe. It may not make it as "pretty" to look at. I wasn't going for looks at this moment. I was going for taste and what did I have on hand.
"Pickling Spice" is SUPER versatile. You can mix up and change around the ingredients to fit your needs. Do you want warmth, heat, sweet, sour, savory? Whatever it is, you can adjust the ingredients!! Here are some other items you can use and or substitute in your mix. Heck, you may even choose to have a couple different varieties on hand.
-Cardamom seeds
-Dried Chili peppers
-Cinnamon Sticks
-Dried Ginger
-Juniper Berries
-Star Anise
-Tumeric powder, granulated garlic and or granulated onion
Angela's Homemade Pickling Spice
This is MY recipe. It can be changed to YOUR preferences. I use a mix of dried and whole spices. Keep in mind that dried/flake spices may “cloud” pickling. This is the recipe I used when I made my “Too Ripe Cucumber Pickles”.
1 to 2 tbsp peppercorns. I used 1 tbsp ground because I had already ground our peppercorns for our pepper shakers.
2 tbsp mustard seeds. I used ground because that’s what I had.
2 tbsp dill weed or 2 tbsp of dill seed.
2 tbsp whole allspice.
2 tbsp whole cloves.
1 tbsp ground coriander.
4 to 5 crumbled bay leaves.
1 tsp celery seed.
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl or mason jar.
Shake and or stir to get ingredients well mixed.
Add to whatever container you are going to use for storage.
Label and date your airtight container. Store in a cool, dry spot. Should be good for up to a year.
Use 1 tbsp per quart
Be sure to let me know if you try this recipe!